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Monday, December 31, 2012

Dinosaurs For Hire... Awesome

"Politically Incorrect Action On Every Page! Tom Mason's Dinosaurs For Hire!"
Issues 1,2,3 and 4

This is one freaking great comic book series, folks. Tom Mason is the creator/writer and Mitch Byrd 'penciller', with Bruce McCorkindale 'inker', provides the fantastically clean, and very sexy, art.
There are lots of big dinosaurs making jokes and shooting big guns. There are lots of over the top hot comic book chicks making jokes and shooting big guns. And, these are lots more very funny jokes in this very well written series. I love me some Dinosaurs For Hire!
As far as I am concerned, these books should be impossible to find because the story and art should have created a "must have" buzz over the years. If you love to laugh while reading your comic book... these four book are for you.
Dinosaurs For Hire has a long history in the Malibu Comics' world. The history is all over the Internet. It makes some good reading. All you need to know is this... find these four books! You will thank me for recommending the story... as you're drooling over the great art.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

One of the Reasons Some Marvel Comic's Suck

Without a doubt, Marvel superhero comic books are a wild bit of over the top fantasy. A lot of the concepts are born of  utterly completely ridiculous science and fantastic non-reality. But, we the readers love that fantastic fantasy and many of us have followed our superheroes for decade after decade.
Individual fans love individual characters for a million different reasons. And really, what my reason is for loving Spider-man should have nothing to do with why another person loves Spider-man. There is enough room for all of us to share the exploits of the character without ever having to really have to explain ourselves to anyone else.
That is until the actual creators of the comic books begin to fuck with the characters and their concepts... making them even sillier and more ridiculous  than the fantasy actually is. And this new Spider-man re-boot is the stupidest thing I have ever, ever seen in a comic book shock piece.
You mean to tell me that the writers at Marvel Comics can't come up with a better concept to shake up Spider-man than to kill off the mind of Peter Parker and replace it with the mind of... Doctor Octopus? What the Frag are you guys smoking in your hermetically sealed offices at Disney? Straight PCP? WTF!
Stupid, Marvel...
I will not purchase such stupid nonsense! This concept, and all that has let up to it, is a complete travesty. You try that mess as a premise for a movie and watch the fans run away from the theaters kicking and screaming.
Wow! This is how you kick off 2013?
And what really makes me want to punch a wall is you have writers and reviewers out there talking up this bizarreness as if it is a good thing. How did Disney convince these reviewers to go along with this stupidity?
Hey, Disney... why don't you study the works of the comic book writing master, Stan Lee, and learn from what he created back in the day. This crap you are writing today should make him vomit his Ensure!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ahhh, Dawn!

The story of Dawn really never mattered to me. Oh, don't get me wrong... the story of the goddess of birth and rebirth and her adventures is a very good read. But, the art work by Joseph Michael Linsner is the real story. We have here another artist who is fantastic with female human anatomy. Just look at the cover on Dawn number one. Yes... that's her.

Do your own research on the story aspects of Dawn. Come for the art and enjoy it like all the fans of DAWN!


Friday, December 21, 2012

Awsome Avenger Movie Information From io9.com


What on earth, or other worlds, is Joss Whedon plotting for our world with the next Avengers movie? If this concept art indicates the candy coated Marvel comics goodness for the future... count me in!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I decided to show this CHAOS comics cover to start this blog.
I have probably read this comic book twenty times over the years.
I find the story very difficult to describe.
But, it is essentially an Evil Ernie twisted love tale from the dead.
The ending will horrify you,
Or tickle your blood thirst for horror irony.
I'm not going to give any more details about this comic book,
Other than to tell you it is quite adult... and adult disturbing.
And with that vague information...
Find Homicide, Tears Of The Dead!
And, read it!