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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Just What Is The Best Comic Book Story Ever?


I've been in discussions with a few comic book folks who were offended by my declaration of my abject love for The Killing Joke. I even went so far as to offer the "blasphemy" of declaring that I believe The Killing Joke is the best comic book story ever written... even though I made it obvious that I was offering MY OWN PERSONAL DECLARATION! I'm not telling ANYONE that they have to love what I love... or agree with me. But to take offence? Well, that's a little extreme.

I have been reading comics for about 47 years! I have ALWAYS read the story before admiring the art. I'm a reader, that is what I am. And Alan Moore has produced some of the best reading in comics... ever! And, to you... which of his stories is number 1?

That's your call!

I respect Watchmen! Look at my picture. I collected each of these books as they were released on their original dates. I wish I would have purchased doubles, so that I could have had reading copies. Even as these books were being released, the talk of the graphic novel collection was strong! -- so I have never opened the comic books you are looking at! I waited until the first graphic novel was released before I read Watchmen.

That first edition of the Watchmen graphic novel was my bible for two years straight. I have read that 1st edition so much that I have rubbed some of the ink off the cover. I dreamed Watchmen! I ate Watchmen! I talked Watchmen! And then The Killing Joke was released -- and I found my new comic book obsession!

I read Swamp Thing from the 1970's through issue 171. I read Watchmen! Then I read The Killing Joke! Oh, and Miracle Man... and V for Vendetta! Oh yea, I'm a Alan Moore fan!

And... I still believe that The Killing Joke is the best comic book story ever. Why?

Watchmen -- THE BEST! But, it is not of the mainstream DC universe!

Swamp Thing -- THE BEST! Mainstream DC horror! Swamp Thing actually is something like a DC swamp god right now!

The Killing Joke -- THE BEST! And the story is right there in the middle of the DC universe, even though DC can't seem to make up its mind what the hell it is these days!

OK, again... my reasons for my love for The Killing Joke.

I mean, really... thank god I didn't declare my love for Jeff Smith's 'Bone!"


Friday, February 15, 2013

A Little Guardians Of The Galaxy Geek News

This young man is Chris Pratt.

Here you go,
Comic book fans...
 You are looking at the lead character in the upcoming --
Guardians Of The Galaxy movie!
Chris Pratt is an interesting actor.
He plays serious roles in his movies,
And goes comedic in his television role...
Maybe he will bring something interesting to the --
Guardians Of The Galaxy in 2014!
Things are looking very good for Marvel's movie future!
Very good, indeed!