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Friday, July 19, 2013


Every couple of years, I release this little note with a couple of revisions.
This little mini-series from King Hell comics is a perverted gem.
And, it is not for kids... and not for the faint of heart and mind.
Read this series if you dare!


(Click on the title of this post for more information!)


Want a very good adult read to take your mind off the horror show that is politics in America... and in the world... right now? Check this out... it is also just recently available in a graphic novel.

These are the five covers for the five issues of Brat Pack. Before you go on and purchase Brat Pack, realize this... this is some sick and twisted stuff. This is adult content... and it is great!

What would it be like to examine a group of twisted, sadistic, perverted super heroes? Let's take things farther down the hell hole... what would the life of their teen-aged side kicks be like? You don't want to know! But, it is all here in Brat Pack!

This is a WTF series, so be ready.

See the bottom cover on the right? See the pouch on the belt of the female Super Hero? See the colorful pouch of which she is tugging at the draw string? Look closely at that pouch. What do you think is in that pouch? Yea... sick, indeed!

Thank goodness this series is in black and white!

Not the sex and nudity horror craziness of, say, David Quinn's and Tim Vigil's FAUST... but, as far as depraved sickness is concerned? Oh yea, pretty close.

Must read material, folks... but, absolutely not for everyone. And not for kids!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Cool Of A Movie Would This Be, DC?

Talk about comic book movies... here is another comic book character that DC should develop into a movie project.

The Demon would make another great horror movie. Start with Jason Blood’s journey to becoming merged at the soul with Etrigan the Demon. The first third of the movie should be a serious horror mood movie introduction.

Then, when we meet Etrigan, the movie will continue with the horror… but, now that we get to experience Etrigan’s iambic pentameter in his speech pattern -- which is filled with sardonic, and sarcastic, humor… even though Etrigan is deadly serious in being a Demon -- we get to experience some fantastic writing as The Demon talks his way through the mayhem.

This could be a fantastic movie, DC. Think about it. And remember where you first heard this -- right here in the HORRORWALKER WORLD!



My Worn Down Prized Comic Book Possession -- Watchmen!

This is my first printing copy of the Watchmen graphic novel collection of the twelve issues. I have read this book probably 50 times since I first purchased it in around 1987. I carried this book around like it was my personal DC bible back then. There was nothing like it in comic book literature before... and I to dare say, there has been nothing written like it afterward.

As you can see, even though the book is in structural great shape, I have worn this book down from use. Still, This is my prize comic book collectible... since we have such an intimate relationship.

Originally, I purchased the individual comic books and packed them away in backing boards and comic book bags UNOPENED AND UNREAD! I waited until the graphic novel was released to immerse myself in this great story telling. To this day, nearly 30 years later, I still have not opened or read these comic books. I just can't do it.

Same thing goes for my first printing of the Absolute Edition of Watchmen. I purchased the brick heavy tome when it first released, opened the plastic, held the book in my shaky hands like Gollum of "The Lord of the Rings" stories... then slid the book back into the slipcase... unread. This picture might be the third time I have taken the book out of its protective sleeve.

Never read Watchmen, you say? Watchmen stands side by side with the fantastic likes of... Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Alan Moore's writing on Swamp Thing, the twisted Rick Veitch super hero gone sour Brat Pack, Faust by David Quinn and Tim Vigil... and Bone by Jeff Smith.

And of course, there are many more great books out there that fans love! I'm just suggesting these few books as fantastic must reads... like Watchmen.

All of these books are ADULT reading... with the exception of Bone which is very appropriate for 8 years old and up. Check them out... but I would start with Watchmen! Maybe begin with Bone if you want it a little lighter... but, read for goodness sake.

Have fun... I think I am due to read Watchmen again!