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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Lot Of Love For Artist Adam Hughes

Here is the introduction of Adam Hughes to DC through the Justice League of America.
My, oh my... how the decades pass like sands falling through millions of hourglasses.
Want to follow the works of one of the best artists in the comic book business?
Research this man's comic book history and you will fall in love with his work.
As an example, check out "Ghost" from Dark Horse...
Or, better still,
Go out there and buy up the copies of Justice League of America in your favorite book store.
And then send Adam Hughes a Twitter message of love for his artistic ability...
Just like me!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Love Comic Books? You Will Hate This Story!!!

Before you read my ultra harsh lambasting below... you HAVE to read the article in the link above!

I nominate David Gonzales as the stupidest man on the planet! Only a fool -- an idiot -- would NOT immediately place this valuable piece of American history in a protective comic book sleeve with a backing board!

And, the absurdity of allowing anyone else to place their hands on this unprotected comic book is just plain moronic!

This idiot should be too ashamed of himself to sell this book. What an ass!

I don’t have any respect for real life dumb and dumber idiocy! I hope this dude doesn’t have kids. If so, god help them.