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Tuesday, July 8, 2014


In my opinion,
Zack Snyder's first Superman movie...
Man Of Steel...
Was god awful!

Written by the arrogant no talent hack David S. Goyer,
And Christopher Nolan,
Man Of Steel was a soulless piece of eye candy garbage,
Filled with so many logic black holes that any intelligent viewer must have felt insulted!

Example the first --
Metropolis is practically razed to the ground... 
By a Superman as interested in total irresponsible destruction and death as his enemies!
Superman, himself, must have killed ten thousand people!
And in the final shots of the ending of the movie...
The city has been rebuilt to its formal design without explanation.


This is example one of hundreds I have for this crazy, stupid movie!
And now the same crew is back for part two!
I have zero faith that this movie will be anything else but a logic busting mess!

Remember this version of Batman on this poster?
Anything would be better than the garbage I am anticipating from the next...
Zack Snyder Paradigm Shifting Piece Of Eye Candy Garbage!

Remember Sucker Punch, People?
Remember That Piece Of Zombie Blasphemy, Dawn Of The Dead?
Remember 300? That movie sucks (You were all fooled and seduced by the visuals!)
Remember Watchmen? (Ambitious project of a masterpiece comic book Maxi-Series! 
But, still mired in the Zack Snyder's blah factor!)
And now he has the New Batman/Superman movie in his pocket, as well as the upcoming JLA movie!

Oh boy, what joy... NOT!

I love my DC comics!
I have no love for Zack Snyder!
And, I might hate David S. Goyer!

Bring on Sandman, DC!
Bring on a Suicide Squad movie!
Bring on an old school Doom Patrol movie!
Bring on a new Swamp Thing horror movie!
And, bring on the new Hellblazer TV show!

These are MY thoughts alone.
If YOU love everything I just eviscerated... good for you!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Resident Evil One-Shot By Marvel Comics -- 1996!

There are cool rare Marvel Comic Book gems out there to discover.
One of them is Marvel's little Resident Evil sapphire for you to recover.
I am asking premium prices for one of three copies of these books...
They are 9.8 perfection without need for a second look.
This Marvel plus Resident Evil paring definitely needs no makeover!


Sunday, April 27, 2014

What A Super Hero Book Cover Is Supposed To Look Like!

I always thought that one of the most under-appreciated comic book series of the early '90's was L.E.G.I.O.N.! The art was always excellent, the Keith Giffen stories of Vril Dox and his rag tag band of outer space super hero rogues were always entertaining and the cover art was constantly as awesome as this cover. When Lobo decided to inject himself into this universe, the stories really got crazy.

Never read L.E.G.I.O.N.? I would seek out this 70 issue series, if I were you. And make sure you buy the Annuals. too.

Oh, and who do you think came out on top in this conflict? I'll say this... Superman is the MAN he is suppose to be in this book.


Friday, April 4, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier -- Mind Blowing Marvel Escapism!

I will tell your this, world...
I love me some Captain America.
I will take him just about anyway I can get him.

I was not so much a fan of the Winter Soldier saga in the comic books.
I never disrespected the effort.
And now Marvel/Disney has given us the  fantastic:

I will not give away any spoilers.
But I will tell you about this bit of derision choking my mind.
When the movie credits began to roll,
3/4 of the people in the theater got up and walked out.
I wanted to stand up and say,
"People! Sit your butts back down in your seats. 
There is more movie to come!"

Here in the Northern Virginia theater I attend,
As usual,
I am the only black dude in the theater...
I just painfully watched them go out the doors.

There are two clips after the credits roll.
You need to stay to the VERY end of the credits.
There is information in these clips that might blow your mind...
If you are a TRUE Marvel fan with a wide Avengers knowledge.

This movie earns an "A" rating all the way!
I just might have to go back and give the Winter Soldier saga comic books another look!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Fantastic Four Is Now An Interracial Team With An African-American Human Torch? WTF!

(Perez Hilton Picture)

Instead of mucking with the ethnic, and racial, makeup of The Fantastic Four... why not simply cast these four actors as some other super hero team. This is not The Fantastic Four... this is some crap from more know-it-all jerks who believe they know better than the core audience of the source material.

Look at what happened when Marvel/Disney screwed-up John Carter Warlord Of Mars by calling it simply John Carter, thus confusing the potential audience. Look at what Disney did to The Lone Ranger by turning the movie into an overblown hack mess!

How can I, a 55 year old Marvel fan with a 50 year extensive investment in The Marvel Universe pay my hard earned cash on a "Screw You Conventional Wisdom" bastardization of The Fantastic Four?

I will not... and neither should you. You should write Marvel/Disney a letter, on paper, and demand that the company treat the source material with respect.

What's next... a black Nick Fury? Oh, yea... Marvel already screwed with my respect for the brand by throwing that wrench into the continuity!

There are too many characters in The Marvel Universe for this kind of cross-breeding of the characters skin colors. Why make a white character black just to be gratuitous? It makes no sense to me.

Anyway, I bet the youth who are reading this missive think that I'm a crotchety old man telling the kids to get off the grass (something I have NEVER done, by the way.)

Hey, its just grass. Just don't break my windows on my house as you are playing on my grass.