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Friday, December 13, 2013

Marvel Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D -- A Mid-Season Take On The Show

agents of shield season 1 mid season finale coulson Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Mid Season Finale Review   Phase II?



These words are from a 54 year old long lived fan of the Marvel Universe! And, although I LOVE Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, the writers of this show have created a fundamental  caveat that is throwing the fans for a loop... making the show seem off for some reason.

I love the cast, but...

There is a very long lived Marvel comic book series called "Damage Control." This comic book concerns a non-super powered group of people who go into damage zones cause by the fights, and other destructive behavior, of super heroes and super villains... to clean up the mess left in their wake.

I always loved the concept of "Damage Control!" And Agents of SHIELD is "Damage Control!"

SHIELD is the technology of the Marvel universe!
Shield is the hard examination of this world!
Shield is Nick Fury!
Shield is straight adventure!
Shield is Ming-Na Wen's character, Melinda May, going SOLO into the heart of HYDRA and kicking butt in a one-woman-army campaign led by Coulson in her earbud!
Shield is Steranko world of awesomeness!
Shield is the ((((LMD)))) -- the LIFE MODEL DECOY!

And if Coulson is anything other than an LMD... working to keep SHIELD going strong, while his real body is being worked on to bring it back to life -- anything else will be a major disappointment to me!

This is just SOME of what S.H.I.E.L.D is... and Damage Control is another comic book world for another corner of the Marvel universe!

Hey Marvel, you need to hire a few writers who have actually READ Marvel comics... including S.H.I.E.L.D!  Any writer, who is serious about comic book mythology, would NEVER write these stories. This show should be all adventure, all Marvel colors and all Marvel superpowers... and how to fight, or embrace, them!

Simple as that!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013


This internal comic book advertisement is from Justice League 19, from the October 1990 issue. I was bat crap crazy excited back then when it was a certainty that The Flash was coming to TV.

And... I was NOT disappointed. I have the original DVD box set and it is one of my prized possessions. The Flash is AWESOME! And if you have never watched the first, and only season of the live action greatness, then shame on you. 

There is NO camp in The Flash! There is very little comedy in The Flash. This is pretty much a straight drama... and those who are shot with bullets die! Several of the comic book enemies of The Flash battle him. 

To me, the speed affects were ahead of their time. You have to watch the show to decide for yourself... but I still love what was done all these decades ago -- on TV!

Wow! Imagine if CBS released this same ad today... for The Flash 2014. I would be there with skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea, plus popcorn minus the cell phone!

Where is The Flash on TV or the big screen? Come on folks at Warner Brothers ... we can handle it!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

More Kelley Jones Goodness

One of the reasons I love the art of Kelley Jones' is his ability to go exaggerated for his horror, and then his ability to go proportional for his main stream work. If you want to see the perfect combination of  both of these conceits, check out these books.

I’ll tell you this… Mr. Jones can drawn a fine female form.

The story here pretty good, too.

Again… one of these days, Kelly Jones, I’m going to get you to sign SOMETHING of the many works of yours I own.


Friday, July 19, 2013


Every couple of years, I release this little note with a couple of revisions.
This little mini-series from King Hell comics is a perverted gem.
And, it is not for kids... and not for the faint of heart and mind.
Read this series if you dare!


(Click on the title of this post for more information!)


Want a very good adult read to take your mind off the horror show that is politics in America... and in the world... right now? Check this out... it is also just recently available in a graphic novel.

These are the five covers for the five issues of Brat Pack. Before you go on and purchase Brat Pack, realize this... this is some sick and twisted stuff. This is adult content... and it is great!

What would it be like to examine a group of twisted, sadistic, perverted super heroes? Let's take things farther down the hell hole... what would the life of their teen-aged side kicks be like? You don't want to know! But, it is all here in Brat Pack!

This is a WTF series, so be ready.

See the bottom cover on the right? See the pouch on the belt of the female Super Hero? See the colorful pouch of which she is tugging at the draw string? Look closely at that pouch. What do you think is in that pouch? Yea... sick, indeed!

Thank goodness this series is in black and white!

Not the sex and nudity horror craziness of, say, David Quinn's and Tim Vigil's FAUST... but, as far as depraved sickness is concerned? Oh yea, pretty close.

Must read material, folks... but, absolutely not for everyone. And not for kids!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Cool Of A Movie Would This Be, DC?

Talk about comic book movies... here is another comic book character that DC should develop into a movie project.

The Demon would make another great horror movie. Start with Jason Blood’s journey to becoming merged at the soul with Etrigan the Demon. The first third of the movie should be a serious horror mood movie introduction.

Then, when we meet Etrigan, the movie will continue with the horror… but, now that we get to experience Etrigan’s iambic pentameter in his speech pattern -- which is filled with sardonic, and sarcastic, humor… even though Etrigan is deadly serious in being a Demon -- we get to experience some fantastic writing as The Demon talks his way through the mayhem.

This could be a fantastic movie, DC. Think about it. And remember where you first heard this -- right here in the HORRORWALKER WORLD!



My Worn Down Prized Comic Book Possession -- Watchmen!

This is my first printing copy of the Watchmen graphic novel collection of the twelve issues. I have read this book probably 50 times since I first purchased it in around 1987. I carried this book around like it was my personal DC bible back then. There was nothing like it in comic book literature before... and I to dare say, there has been nothing written like it afterward.

As you can see, even though the book is in structural great shape, I have worn this book down from use. Still, This is my prize comic book collectible... since we have such an intimate relationship.

Originally, I purchased the individual comic books and packed them away in backing boards and comic book bags UNOPENED AND UNREAD! I waited until the graphic novel was released to immerse myself in this great story telling. To this day, nearly 30 years later, I still have not opened or read these comic books. I just can't do it.

Same thing goes for my first printing of the Absolute Edition of Watchmen. I purchased the brick heavy tome when it first released, opened the plastic, held the book in my shaky hands like Gollum of "The Lord of the Rings" stories... then slid the book back into the slipcase... unread. This picture might be the third time I have taken the book out of its protective sleeve.

Never read Watchmen, you say? Watchmen stands side by side with the fantastic likes of... Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Alan Moore's writing on Swamp Thing, the twisted Rick Veitch super hero gone sour Brat Pack, Faust by David Quinn and Tim Vigil... and Bone by Jeff Smith.

And of course, there are many more great books out there that fans love! I'm just suggesting these few books as fantastic must reads... like Watchmen.

All of these books are ADULT reading... with the exception of Bone which is very appropriate for 8 years old and up. Check them out... but I would start with Watchmen! Maybe begin with Bone if you want it a little lighter... but, read for goodness sake.

Have fun... I think I am due to read Watchmen again!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Lot Of Love For Artist Adam Hughes

Here is the introduction of Adam Hughes to DC through the Justice League of America.
My, oh my... how the decades pass like sands falling through millions of hourglasses.
Want to follow the works of one of the best artists in the comic book business?
Research this man's comic book history and you will fall in love with his work.
As an example, check out "Ghost" from Dark Horse...
Or, better still,
Go out there and buy up the copies of Justice League of America in your favorite book store.
And then send Adam Hughes a Twitter message of love for his artistic ability...
Just like me!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Love Comic Books? You Will Hate This Story!!!

Before you read my ultra harsh lambasting below... you HAVE to read the article in the link above!

I nominate David Gonzales as the stupidest man on the planet! Only a fool -- an idiot -- would NOT immediately place this valuable piece of American history in a protective comic book sleeve with a backing board!

And, the absurdity of allowing anyone else to place their hands on this unprotected comic book is just plain moronic!

This idiot should be too ashamed of himself to sell this book. What an ass!

I don’t have any respect for real life dumb and dumber idiocy! I hope this dude doesn’t have kids. If so, god help them.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Are You Ready For Another Alien Vs. Predator Movie?

Simply put, I'm already ready for another pure Alien movie... or, another Predator movie. Predator is fantastic! Predator 2 was great, too. There are some geek-tastic Easter eggs openly hidden in Predator 2.

I have always believed Alien vs. Predator should have followed this comic book mini-series from Dark Horse. This is an excellent story. Actually, Dark Horse produced a bunch of 4 issue Alien mini-series a little over 2 decades ago. And, some regular issue run comics like this, too.

Good stuff, here... find it, you'll like it.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Marvel This, Avengers 2

Mistress Death -- Alive?
Thanos -- Alive?
Adam Strange, Warlock -- Alive?
The Infinity Gauntlet -- Silly?


Friday, March 1, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Just What Is The Best Comic Book Story Ever?


I've been in discussions with a few comic book folks who were offended by my declaration of my abject love for The Killing Joke. I even went so far as to offer the "blasphemy" of declaring that I believe The Killing Joke is the best comic book story ever written... even though I made it obvious that I was offering MY OWN PERSONAL DECLARATION! I'm not telling ANYONE that they have to love what I love... or agree with me. But to take offence? Well, that's a little extreme.

I have been reading comics for about 47 years! I have ALWAYS read the story before admiring the art. I'm a reader, that is what I am. And Alan Moore has produced some of the best reading in comics... ever! And, to you... which of his stories is number 1?

That's your call!

I respect Watchmen! Look at my picture. I collected each of these books as they were released on their original dates. I wish I would have purchased doubles, so that I could have had reading copies. Even as these books were being released, the talk of the graphic novel collection was strong! -- so I have never opened the comic books you are looking at! I waited until the first graphic novel was released before I read Watchmen.

That first edition of the Watchmen graphic novel was my bible for two years straight. I have read that 1st edition so much that I have rubbed some of the ink off the cover. I dreamed Watchmen! I ate Watchmen! I talked Watchmen! And then The Killing Joke was released -- and I found my new comic book obsession!

I read Swamp Thing from the 1970's through issue 171. I read Watchmen! Then I read The Killing Joke! Oh, and Miracle Man... and V for Vendetta! Oh yea, I'm a Alan Moore fan!

And... I still believe that The Killing Joke is the best comic book story ever. Why?

Watchmen -- THE BEST! But, it is not of the mainstream DC universe!

Swamp Thing -- THE BEST! Mainstream DC horror! Swamp Thing actually is something like a DC swamp god right now!

The Killing Joke -- THE BEST! And the story is right there in the middle of the DC universe, even though DC can't seem to make up its mind what the hell it is these days!

OK, again... my reasons for my love for The Killing Joke.

I mean, really... thank god I didn't declare my love for Jeff Smith's 'Bone!"


Friday, February 15, 2013

A Little Guardians Of The Galaxy Geek News

This young man is Chris Pratt.

Here you go,
Comic book fans...
 You are looking at the lead character in the upcoming --
Guardians Of The Galaxy movie!
Chris Pratt is an interesting actor.
He plays serious roles in his movies,
And goes comedic in his television role...
Maybe he will bring something interesting to the --
Guardians Of The Galaxy in 2014!
Things are looking very good for Marvel's movie future!
Very good, indeed!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Style I Like


Here is another example of Richard Pollard's cool cover work.
I've never read this comic book,
Even though I have several signed copies,
Because I could never bring myself to open this bag.
So, I can't comment on the story inside.
I think I'll just keep them bagged.
You really don't have to read them all,
Do you?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kia Just Found The Key To Print Money

I'm directing as many people as I possibly can to this blog to view this outrageously crazy news.

What can I say about what you are reading in the above article. This is the best news in the history of the planet! Comic book fans, and automobile enthusiasts, rejoice!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Awesome Comic Book Art

(This posting has a correction as of 1-31-13. I called the below character Razor, when she is actually Stryke!) 
I never dated this signed copy of Vampirella that Artist Liam Sharp was selling at a signing in Tysons Corner in 1994. He was not drawing and selling original artwork, so I had to be happy with this signed copy of the work. I need to research the exact book this work is from because, as I'm typing this article, I simply cannot remember the exact comic book this picture appeared in. I'll find out soon enough...

Richard Pollard was also selling 'unnumbered' copies of a drawing of the character, "Stryke" at that same signing. I purchased two of those. I'll post a picture of that great image soon. Actually, I'll post it right now.

I have always wished this was original art. But, the artist had his small stack of the art work, slid two of these off the stack, signed both of them in front of me and gave me a hearty handshake. I love this picture, and I love this man's art work even more.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Black Orchid In My Garden

Hello fans of Neil Gaiman.
Ever read Black Orchid?
In my opinion, this is one of the better DC comics ever written.
My goodness, what Black Orchid goes through to catch the bad guys.
Excellent story...
Excellent art...
All from the mind of the most excellent,
Neil Gaiman!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Warner Brothers Wins Superman

Ah, the legal battles in the comic book world... there is constant war raging across America when it comes to the comic books, and the comic book characters, we all love. When the powers that be decide to move the characters from the books to the silver screen... the claws of greed and disrespect come out and blood flows.
I, for one, am happy this little issue has almost been put to rest by the appeals court. Maybe now Warner Brothers will be free to divert ALL their attention and focus to making the best Superman movies, and comic books, in the future.
So glance at the above article and let out a sigh of relief if you are a Superman fan. Warner Brothers obviously paid the estates of the creators of Superman a boat load of cash in the recent past for the rights to Superman. The estates of the creators obviously now want the rights to the characters back, but that is not going to happen. I say as long as Warner Brothers continues to respect the legacy... let peace live.
Now, if only the television rights to the 1960's Batman TV series debacle can be worked out. That mess has dragged on for decades and decades... and it looks like it may never be settled. And that is a freakin' shame. Someone would probably make a billion dollars with the release of Batman on DVD. Nearly every person on the planet would want a copy of that box set... are you kidding me? Well anyway, this digression only leads to paralysing depression for me.
Anyway, Superman seems to be on a right legal course... for now.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cringe As You Think About The Comic Books You Love


Do you love to read comic books? Do you know the crazy history of the Federal Government's war on comic books in the 1950s. Do you know the crazy climate of paranoia and craziness concerning the "Establishment's" war on horror comics?
White people in America... these are your fathers and mothers and your brothers and your sisters and your uncles and your aunts... these are the crazy people who made the stupid rules that screwed America back then. The craziness in this video is the kind of craziness that saturated the Federal Government back then. It is men like this interviewer, and the bat crap craziness inside him, that made them crazy enough to attack EVERYONE NOT LIKE THEM!
This real, but utterly stupid, video is about fighting against the dreaded comic book. What else does all this metaphor mean? I could write pages more on the topic. I will stop here. I just want some of you to know what I felt a little bit of when I was a kid who was too poor to afford comic books, but sure heard about the horrors of reading comic books from the adults, when I was a kid.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Welcome Back Godzilla

Hey, fans of horror and science-fiction... Godzilla is soon to be back. The production company in charge has brought on one of the best directors around to... WRITE... a new draft for the movie... Frank Darabont, he of the "The Shawshank Redemption," "The Green Mile" and "The Mist"), plus the best horror show on television -- "The Walking Dead!"
Above are 4 of Godzilla #1 and a Godzilla #2 from Marvel from a couple of decades ago. This is a great comic book series in the vein of Marvel comics before Marvel began to over think itself and introduce pure stupidity into its world... like the entire Spider-Man Symbiotes nonsense and its spin offs, for example!
If "they" want to make another giant lizard movie in which NYC is destroyed... that's OK. Just don't call it Godzilla and insult the fans. That movie has been disrespected by quite a few movie critics. It was a sensation when it was first released in 1998... but fans of Godzilla were not fooled into accepting the fact that director Roland Emmerich believes that he, like Michael Bay, knows more than fans of the iconic subjects he tackles.
I believe with all my heart that Frank Darabont is the right man for the job. I hope the producers are impressed enough with his work to keep him on... maybe to direct?
Godzilla... you can stomp all over my town any time you choose. I mean... I couldn't stop you anyway, right?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Awesome "Tales of Terror"

I don't need to tell you much about this fantastic series from years ago.
 Simply put... the art is excellent,
The stories are frightening and well written...
And once you've read issue number 1
You will be compelled to find the rest of the series.
Tales of Terror has excellent covers, too.
Check it out!