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Saturday, December 29, 2012

One of the Reasons Some Marvel Comic's Suck

Without a doubt, Marvel superhero comic books are a wild bit of over the top fantasy. A lot of the concepts are born of  utterly completely ridiculous science and fantastic non-reality. But, we the readers love that fantastic fantasy and many of us have followed our superheroes for decade after decade.
Individual fans love individual characters for a million different reasons. And really, what my reason is for loving Spider-man should have nothing to do with why another person loves Spider-man. There is enough room for all of us to share the exploits of the character without ever having to really have to explain ourselves to anyone else.
That is until the actual creators of the comic books begin to fuck with the characters and their concepts... making them even sillier and more ridiculous  than the fantasy actually is. And this new Spider-man re-boot is the stupidest thing I have ever, ever seen in a comic book shock piece.
You mean to tell me that the writers at Marvel Comics can't come up with a better concept to shake up Spider-man than to kill off the mind of Peter Parker and replace it with the mind of... Doctor Octopus? What the Frag are you guys smoking in your hermetically sealed offices at Disney? Straight PCP? WTF!
Stupid, Marvel...
I will not purchase such stupid nonsense! This concept, and all that has let up to it, is a complete travesty. You try that mess as a premise for a movie and watch the fans run away from the theaters kicking and screaming.
Wow! This is how you kick off 2013?
And what really makes me want to punch a wall is you have writers and reviewers out there talking up this bizarreness as if it is a good thing. How did Disney convince these reviewers to go along with this stupidity?
Hey, Disney... why don't you study the works of the comic book writing master, Stan Lee, and learn from what he created back in the day. This crap you are writing today should make him vomit his Ensure!

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